
Required Training – All New Employees

Paylocity Learning

  • Anti-Harassment
  • Calming & De-escalation
  • IT Network Security
  • LEAP (Listen-Empathize-Agree-Partner)
  • Privacy & Confidentiality
  • Secondary Traumatic Stress

Medicaid Required Training

Preferred Practice Guidelines

Behavior Management

Required Training by Position

As a licensed agency with the State of Utah and the contracted Medicaid Provider for Davis County, DBH is obligated to follow the rules and regulations outlined by the following State departments / divisions / offices:

  • Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
    • Division of Licensing and Background Checks
    • Division of Integrated Healthcare – Medicaid
    • Office of Substance Use and Mental Health

These rules and regulations outline mandatory training for DBH employees. In addition, DBH has established training requirements to both prepare employees to work in the departments they were hired for and be safe. The following trainings are monitored by these governing bodies:

  • Daily Living Activities (DLA)
  • First Aid/CPR
  • Peer Support Specialist Certification (CPSS/FPSS)
  • Targeted Case Management (TCM)

Please review the table below to see what positions are required to complete each training.

Welle Behavior Management Training

Welle training consists of 2 parts:

  1. Welle Modules
    • Foundational Modules
      • ​​S.M.A.R.T. Principles
      • The Lalemand Red Behavior Scale
    • Additional Modules
      • Developing Relationships
      • Greeting a New Person
      • Green Scale
      • Defusing Techniques
      • Keeping a Conversation on Track
      • Offering Choices
      • Generating Cooperation
      • Making a Clear Request
      • Praise Scale
  2. Self-protection

Click on the Welle sections below to see what positions are required to complete each part.

Welle Modules

The following positions at DBH are required to complete all Welle modules:Case Managers (All Departments)

  • Community Outreach (All Positions)
  • Crisis (All Positions)
  • CRU (All Positions)
  • Davis County Receiving Center (All Positions)
  • Other positions as directed by supervisory team.

All Welle Modules are taught virtually via Microsoft Teams and are divided over a 4-month period to better accommodate scheduling and other conflicts outside of DBH. Employees required to complete this training must complete the foundational modules and first set of additional modules that are scheduled within 30 days of their start date. Employees must complete the entire set of modules within 6 months of their start date. After completing the foundational modules, employees will only attend the additional modules training each month until all 11 modules have been completed. A monthly quiz is assigned through Paylocity along with a final exam that must be completed once employees have attended training for all modules.

A training log is provided to all new employees outlining the specific dates and times to attend each month.

Welle Self-Protection

The following positions at DBH are required to complete the Self-Protection training in addition to the Welle modules:

  • CRU (All Positions)
  • Davis County Receiving Center (All Positions)

The Welle Self-Protection class is offered quarterly and is in-person. Employees required to complete this training must attend within 90 days of their start date.